Varun Kashyap

Varun Kashyap

Contemplations on software, engineering, management and life

Why Write?

July 1, 2020

I was asking myself this question—why do I want to write a blog? Is it because there is time to spare these days? Would anyone want to read what I write?

A few minutes before I started typing this, it struck me—I have always enjoyed writing. From the English language exams back in school to writing for tech blogs fresh out of college, I enjoyed all of it.

Besides, I am also convinced writing has several benefits:

  • It helps you think clearly about a problem
  • It helps in refining and distilling ideas
  • It makes you a better reader when you write yourself
  • Good writing and communication is a superpower in knowledge working jobs

So I want to embark on this journey again and publish some of my thoughts on this website. No click bait headlines, no schedules to meet. Publish whenever I have something meaningful to put out in the universe.

Resources for getting better at writing

Practise regularly. However, practice without direction leads to hard work. So here are a few inspiring resources and recommendations:

  1. On Writing Well by William Zinsser
  2. Elements of Eloquence by Mark Forsyth
  3. Daring Fireball—for John’s writing style and concise prose
  4. Regularly writing a journal